Historically, railroad workers have faced dangerous conditions when on the job. While changes in technology, advancements in safety warning, improved alarm systems, and more comprehensive regulations have reduced the number of accidents and deaths, railroad workers continue to face significant occupational hazards. For rail workers, the environment can change drastically, depending on the weather, technological malfunctions, or other variables. Workers are required to quickly adapt to these changes and react quickly. Even the most seasoned railroad workers are put at risk.


According to a recent report in the LA Times, The Federal Transit Administration has directed all rail agencies to review their safety practices. This directive is for all public and private rail users due to an increase in the number of accidents and injuries on American railroads. Our workers’ compensation lawyers are dedicated to helping victims of work-related injury protect their rights. We are also committed to raising awareness regarding trends in work-related accident and injury in Massachusetts and nationwide.
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Temporary workers face some of the most dangerous working conditions. There are several reasons for the risk of injury. Temp workers are often in high-risk industries like manufacturing, factories, farming, and construction. These worker are often not treated as employees and are denied basic training that could increase the risk of injury or wrongful death. Given the dangerous nature of temporary workers, OSHA and other workers’ rights advocacy groups are making efforts to ramp up safety for temporary workers. Improving working conditions, including safety protocols, equipment, and training could help to reduce the number of accidents that temporary workers face when on the job.

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According to a recent report by Pro Publica, temporary work is one of the fastest growing segments of the economy. Despite the large sector of the economy, the injury rates have been rising while regulatory measures have remained relatively stagnant. For companies, relying on a temporary work force can be an economically viable alternative to hiring. Businesses can hire workers on a daily basis and eliminate costs for insurance, workers’ compensation and unemployment taxes. The availability is a huge advantage for companies, while putting America’s workforce at risk. Our workplace accident attorneys are dedicated to raising awareness to improve safety and prevent future accidents and injury.
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Airport workers can face a number of hazards on the job. In addition to working with cargo, heavy lifting, dangerous fumes, and electrical issues, workers also face the danger of accidents on the runway. According to reports, a 59-year old worker was recently killed at Logan International Airport. The victim has been identified, however investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the accident. The worker was guiding a lavatory waste truck to an aircraft when he was struck and killed by another vehicle.


Workers’ compensation is available to the family of any worker who is killed while in the course of performing work-related duties. In this case, the accident took place on the site and while he was directly engaged in his duties. Workplace Injuries at Logan International can occur to workers in a number of ways. We are abreast of legal developments throughout Massachusetts and dedicated to raising awareness and improving worker safety.
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In the downtrodden economy, millions of Americans have lost their jobs and many of them are forced into temporary positions or “temp work” through staffing agencies. A recent analysis by ProPublica shows that not only are many of these workers exploited, but they are also facing more dangerous work conditions than permanent employees. In some cases, temporary workers are injured or have lost their lives within days of being on the job. For victims and their families, collecting workers’ compensation benefits can be even more challenging or impossible.


According to research temporary workers are 36% more likely to get hurt or die on the job in Massachusetts. Blue collar temps are more likely to find dangerous job conditions in manufacturing and working in warehouses. Our workplace accident attorneys are experienced with investigating work-related accidents and protecting the rights of workers. We are also committed to raising awareness on workplace dangers to prevent future accidents and injury.
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Workers compensation benefits entitles employees to collect compensation while injured in the course of performing work-related duties. Under workers’ compensation law, victims do not have to prove liability or negligence and can even collect if they are partially or fully responsible for the accident. One question that comes up frequently in workers’ compensation law is whether or not employees can collect workers’ compensation if they were involved in a car accident while commuting to work or performing work-related duties in a vehicle. Delivery drivers, truck drivers, sales representatives and other individuals who must drive for work are often victims of car accident injuries.


In a recent case the Massachusetts Appeals Court held that a manager was entitled to collect workers’ compensation benefits after he was involved in a car accident on his way to work. Our workers’ compensation attorneys are dedicated to helping employees collect the benefits they are entitled to after an accident or injury. While collecting workers’ compensation does not involve proving fault, many victims may face challenges when presenting their case. Our attorneys are dedicated to helping workers collect and prepare necessary documentation to ensure compensation in an effective and timely manner.
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Industrial workers face a number of dangers on the job. While OSHA and state safety departments work to ensure safe conditions, there continue to be serious and fatal industrial site accidents. Earlier this month, a Boston worker was killed in an industrial accident after he was struck by a 12,000-pound steel beam. The tragedy highlights the reality that industrial and immigrant workers face dangerous working conditions and are at risk of injury and death, especially in the event of safety violations.


Workers who are injured on the job and families who have lost a loved one in a work-related accident are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Our Boston workers’ compensation attorneys are dedicated to helping victims quickly and effectively recover the full compensation they deserve after an accident. We also stay abreast of work-related accident cases in our community and want to keep both employees and employers informed to prevent future injury and wrongful death.
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Our roadways are getting busier and busier by the day, and commercial vehicles are on the homestretch with their holiday deliveries. But with this increase in holiday traffic and increase in commercial vehicle traffic, we’re seeing a significant and serious increase in the risks for on-the-job car accidents.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), there were more than 3,000 people killed and another 420,000 injured in distracted driving car accidents in 2010 in the U.S. Many workers are required to stay connected with their employers during long delivery routes, but on the phone and behind the wheel is no time to stay connected. When commercial drivers use the phone behind the wheel, their reaction time is delayed. As a matter of fact, their reaction time is equivalent to that of a driver who is legally drunk.

Our workers’ compensation lawyers understand that more workers are killed each year in motor-vehicle accidents than any other cause. And businesses can help to solve this big problem. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) has launched a campaign to help address distracted driving among working drivers. But is it effective without employer enforcement? This campaign is against distracted driving and is a multi-modal effort that includes automobiles, trains, planes, and commercial vehicles. The order also encourages federal contractors and others doing business with the government to adopt and enforce their own policies banning texting while driving on the job.
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With the holiday season, younger members of our family are enjoying time away from school and many of them are picking up seasonal positions at some of our local businesses to earn some extra money. During this time, it’s important to remind these young workers that they have rights on the job and their employer has the responsibility to provide a safe workplace. It’s also important to make sure that they follow the limits and regulations regarding what these workers can do on the job.
Before your teen heads out for holiday work, make sure you discuss their rights to help them to ensure safe seasonal employment.

Our Boston workers’ compensation lawyers understand that not only must employers provide a safe workplace and comply with OSHA standards to prevent injuries and illnesses, but they’re also required to train new workers on job hazards and safe work practices in a language they understand. Employers must also pay for most types of required safety gear. Although employment of teens provides many benefits, the potential for serious injury and death must not be ignored or denied. Teenage workers are killed or seriously injured at work each year. Employers, teens and parents must increase their awareness of the laws governing child labor and take a proactive approach to ensure all teens are afforded the right to work safely, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Young Workers site.
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In a recent East Boston work accident, a man was killed by a 12,000-pound beam. According to the Boston Globe, the beat fell onto the man at Boston Bridge & Steel Inc., located on Marginal Street just after 6:00 p.m. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
“A large piece in an arch shape shifted on the worker, trapping him underneath,” said Steve MacDonald, a spokesman for the Boston Fire Department.

Our workers’ compensation lawyers in Massachusetts note officials have concluded there was no foul play involved in this accident, but that doesn’t mean there was nothing that could have been done to prevent it. We also understand that this is the second accident involve an industrial worker death in five days in the city of Boston. Just days before, another was killed at a Downtown Crossing work site. This worker was serious injured by a scissor lift at roughly 2:00 p.m. and later died of the injuries.
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After a U.S. Postal Service worker was killed in a heat-related accident, officials with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are taking action. The accident happened to a letter carrier from the Medford office at the Forest Street post.
The accident happened back in July when the worker was walking his route for about 5 hours in the 90+ degree weather. At that time, the heat index was at roughly 100 degrees. He was carrying a 35-pound mail bag. On that day, officials with the National Weather Service had issued a heat advisory for the area. The service worker died the next day from heat stroke.

Our Medford workers’ compensation attorneys understand that heat-related illnesses, injuries and deaths can be prevented with the proper knowledge of the condition. All workers and employers should be able to recognize the symptoms of heat-related stress and also how to respond to the problem. In this Medford accident, the Postal Service knew of a heat warning in the area, but did not relay the information to its carriers. If they would have passed on this information, precautions could have been made and this death could have been prevented.
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