Workplace hearing loss is a major risk for workers in certain fields including the construction industry. Unfortunately, loud noises at work may do more than just damage your hearing. A new Canadian study indicates that being exposed to loud noises at work may put you at greater risk of other types of injuries as well. earplugs-381261-m.jpg

Those who sustain any type of injury on-the-job can take action and make a workers’ compensation claim. A Boston workplace injury lawyer can assist you in pursuing your work injury claim and obtaining medical benefits and disability income if your injuries prevent you from continuing to work.
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The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) had its budget cut in 2013 because of sequestration. OSHA was already underfunded before the cuts and did not want to reduce its compliance inspections unless forced. OSHA inspectors are overextended and far too few companies receive annual workplace inspections to ensure that they comply with occupational safety standards. cut-expenses-1-1176251-m.jpg

To preserve its inspection budget, Safety News Alert reports that OSHA instead cut its employer-assistance budget. Business advocates were concerned about this strategy and a new report indicates that the Department of Labor also is concerned that this will have a long-term adverse impact on safety.
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A recent study in the Journal of Applied Psychology revealed an increase in workplace injuries in the days after Daylight Savings time. No corresponding increase in the number of work injuries occurred when the clocks switched to standard time. This suggests that lack of sleep when this time switch occurs is a contributing factor to on-the-job accidents because employees who are overtired are less alert and more likely to make dangerous mistakes. metal-clock-1215187-m.jpg

While the study outcome should prompt employees and employers to be more alert when the clocks change, it also shows the importance of getting a good nights rest every day before work. Fatigue does not disqualify a worker from recovering workers’ compensation benefits and those who get hurt doing work tasks should consult with an experienced workplace accident lawyer in Massachusetts. Still workers should make a commitment to not going to work tired in order to prevent a serious or potentially fatal accident.
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In its 2015 budget, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has expressed a desire to begin targeted inspections of more small businesses. OSHA is currently limited in its ability to conduct inspections on businesses with 10 or fewer employees. OSHA generally only conducts inspections of these companies in industries that have higher-than-average injury and illness rates. Now, OSHA wants to also inspect companies that have the potential for catastrophic incidents. main-street-vs--wall-street-1200761-m.jpg

If OSHA is able to expand its inspection authority to more companies, this could help to reduce catastrophic events that cause injury not just to workers but potentially within whole communities. Ultimately, though, with a limited number of inspectors, OSHA can only do so much. Employers of all sizes need to exercise caution when dealing with hazardous materials or high-risk conditions and have an obligation to ensure that they aren’t putting others at risk. An injured worker who is harmed on-the-job should consult with a workplace injury lawyer for help understanding his legal right to compensation.
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The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has a wide variety of safety regulations that it enforces. OSHA inspects workplaces on a regular basis, although understaffing has resulted in inspections not being frequent enough. OSHA also launches investigations when a serious injury or workplace death occurs or when a complaint is made about a company failing to live up to safety standards. check-list-1277878-m.jpg

While OSHA enforces regulations on almost every workplace issue, from scaffolding to toxic exposure, there are three specific areas that OSHA is currently focused on enforcing. The head of OSHA’s Directorate of Enforcement Programs laid out these areas in a presentation to the American Bar Association’s Occupational Safety & Health Law Meeting.
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Amputation is a known cause of long-term disability and can result from illness, disease, or catastrophic accident. In some cases, a limb infection or other trauma could result complications that then lead to an unexpected limb loss. A recent case involving a CBS corresponded demonstrates that the risk of amputation could result from what appears to be a minor infection or injury. According to reports, what was thought to be a minor injury ended up threatening his life–he and his doctors were forced to choose life over limb.

The Amputation Coalition reports that there are nearly 2 million Americans living with limb loss. Every year, doctors are forced to perform nearly 185,000 limb amputations. For victims, the loss of limb can result in disability, unemployment, and hardship in learning to adjust emotionally and physicals. Workers in the United States face additional risk of amputation, especially in dangerous industries, including industry, construction, farming, fishing and factory work. Our workplace accident attorneys understand the devastating impact of amputation and are dedicated to helping victims and their loved ones recover the compensation they need.
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An explosion here in the Northeast has been a tragic reminder of the importance of workplace safety. The accident is still under investigation as authorities are seeking to determine what caused the explosion at a New Hampshire Ball Bearings Plant. The explosion caused massive damage and sent 15 victims to the hospital, 2 with critical injuries. Witnesses claimed that the explosion felt like an earthquake and ran out of the building to save themselves from the blast that blew out windows a quarter mile away. The plant employs 700 workers in the town of 6,400 resident and was cited in at least two safety complaints with OSHA in the past decade.


Explosions pose a significant hazard in America’s workplace. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were over 4,000 occupational fatalities caused by explosions in 2012. Our workplace injury attorneys are dedicated to protecting the lives of workers in Massachusetts and nationwide. In addition to raising awareness to prevent future injuries, we are also committed to fighting for the rights of victims who have suffered in work-related accidents. We understand the importance of recovery and will take every step to help you recover the compensation you deserve after an injury or loss of a loved one.
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The use of chemicals in the workplace can create hazards, especially for workers who are exposed repeatedly over a long period of time. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has created a partnership with the fertilizer industry to promote safety when working with chemicals. OSHA is collaborating with the Agricultural Retailers Association and The Fertilizer Institute to connect with thousands of farm retailers, distributors, plants, producers and other facilities that are commonly working with toxic chemicals. The partnership is intended to create awareness to prevent injury and exposure when storing and handling ammonium nitrate.

Chemical exposure can result in a wide range of serious and fatal injuries. Victims may suffer as a result if inhalation, chemical burn, or in the event of a fire or explosion. Our work injury lawyers are dedicated to protecting the rights of workers and their families after an accident or injury. Any injury sustained while in the course of performing work-related duties may entitle you and your family to benefits. Our legal team will take the time to review your case, assess your losses, and help recover maximum compensation.
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The temporary workforce is rapidly growing in America, even as permanent jobs remain hard to come by. When the 2007 to 2009 recession ended and the economy began to improve (albeit slowly), there was a dramatic rise in the number of temp workers. In fact, temporary work has been one of the fastest growing segments of the U.S. economy. working-late-1207294-m.jpg

Temporary workers should be people who work only for a very limited period of time. Temp workers may have a job that lasts for a limited duration because they are moving onto other things, or because the company wants to test them out in a trial run without taking on the risk of hiring someone full time. Temp workers are usually hired through an agency, which is paid by the employer. The temp workers get few or no workplace benefits and employers don’t have to buy workers’ compensation insurance or handle payroll taxes. The temp agency is generally supposed to take care of workers’ comp insurance and other logistical issues.
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While workplaces contain many potential risks for employees, certain types of accidents repeatedly occur over-and-over across different worksites and different industries. Identifying the top cause of injuries and illnesses is essential to protect employees and reduce lost productivity and financial loss to employers. Recently, Travelers Insurancepublished some information on the top causes of workplace injuries and has provided some tips to employers for making their worksites safer. workman-sign-1003297-m.jpg

Workers who sustain any kind of injury on-the-job can contact a work injury lawyer for help taking action. No matter how careful an employer is, a worker should be entitled to workers compensation benefits if he is hurt on the job.
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