On December 2, 2015, 15 people were killed and 22 more were seriously injured in a mass shooting in San Diego that was later classified a terrorist attack.  This was the horrific incident that involved a husband and wife who targeted a training meeting for employees of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, as well as an office holiday party. The couple who were killed by the police while attempting to get away had also planned to detonate a bomb.

gunNow more than a year has passed, and the victims are still suffering from serious medical conditions, both physical and mental, and they are being told that treatment is no longer going to be paid for to the same degree as it had, according to a recent news article from The New York Times.  However, these victims are not fighting with a health insurance company, but rather with the workers’ compensation policy holders and plan officials, because many of these injures were classified at as workplace injury. Continue reading

Whether you are in Boston, New York, or any other major city in the United States, working in the subway or in other areas of public transportation can be very dangerous.  We are typically dealing with fast moving trains and other moving machinery and it is not hard to imagine how workers could be injured or killed.

subwayAccording to a recent news report from the Gothamist, one New York City transit worker was killed and another was injured when a G train hit them.  Unlike some other cities, the system there runs all 24 hours a day, so it is important to be alert and wear reflective clothing whenever workers are on the tracks.  It is also imperative that safety controllers are constantly aware of the location of all workers and whether they will be near any moving trains.  There are hideouts alongside the tracks that should allow workers to hide if a train is coming, in order to prevent an injury, but the location and state of these protective hideouts is currently under review. Continue reading

In Capital Builders Hardware v. WCAB, a case from the California Court of Appeals, Second Appellant District, claimant was injured in an industrial accident while working for his employer, which is a major construction company. While the court opinion does not specify how he was injured or the type of injury he sustained, we do know that he filed for workers’ compensation following his injury.

worker3After filing his workers’ compensation claim, his employer, through its workers’ compensation insurance company representative, filed a motion to exclude the admission of a particular medical report into the record in this case.  The administrative judge at the workers’ compensation commission denied the employer’s request to exclude the medical report and indicated that his dismissal was without prejudice. Continue reading

In State ex rel. Manpower of Dayton, Inc. v. Industrial Commission of Ohio, a case from the Supreme Court of Ohio, claimant injured her left arm and hand while working for employer.  Her injury occurred in 2006, and she filed a timely claim for workers’ compensation.

wrist painHer claim for workers’ compensation was initially granted following her on-the-job injury, and she was determined to be disabled based upon her physical injuries, as well as her physiological condition that resulted from the workplace injury.  As her injuries, both mental and physical, did not improve, and actually got worse, she applied for what is known as permanent total disability benefits. Continue reading

When working on a construction project, laborers are sometimes needed to toil at relatively high elevations above ground level.  Even on projects that are not in any way considered a skyscraper, falling from the height at which workers are stationed could result in serious personal injury or death.  This could be falling off scaffolding, in the case of a building that is being renovated, falling of an exposed beam or rafter in new construction, or falling down a temporary or permanent elevator.  A temporary elevator is commonly used at construction sites before the permanent elevators or escalators are up and running.

scaffoldAccording to the New York Daily News, a worker was recently critically injured when he fell down an elevator shaft.  This was his second day on the job, and he was working on a building construction project in Brooklyn. Continue reading

After the Deadliest Catch premiered more than a decade ago, Americans grew increasingly enamoured with the idea of exploring the world’s most dangerous jobs in America.  While there are certainly some jobs that are more dangerous than others, most of the workplace injuries occur at jobs that are not likely to be the basis of a reality television show.

nitrogenOne of the types of employment that often results in an injury for which someone would file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits is factory work.  In many cases, we have people doing repetitive tasks for an entire day while standing and reaching overhead in uncomfortable positions.  This has resulted in many instances of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and other types of repetitive stress injuries (RSI) as well as other types of traumatic injuries such as cuts, abrasions and even amputations.  This can be a result of poorly guarded machines or it can just simply be an accident for which nobody is at fault. Continue reading

A recent article in Staffing Industry Analysts examines how companies can effectively share the responsibility of keeping temporary workers safe.  In this case, we are talking about sharing the responsibility for worker safety between the temporary employment staffing agency and the company that uses the temporary workers on their projects.

workIt should be noted that in today’s economy, there are many different types of temp jobs.  While we often think of office workers and retail help, we are now seeing temp workers being used in factory settings on a regular basis.  For example, it is not uncommon for a company to use a staffing company to provide a welder when one is needed. Continue reading

According to the Daily News Journal, a worker was killed recently at the Nissan motor vehicle factory in Smyrna, Tennessee.  This is the automaker’s main production facility in the U.S. and is located just outside the Nashville city limits.  This is a major production facility and is in the process of becoming the largest auto plant in the world if several planned expansion projects are completed in the future.

manufactureThis worker was at the plant when he was involved in some type of fatal industrial accident.  Following the tragic accident, co-workers and supervisors immediately called for help and first responders arrived at the factory.  First responders did what they could to stabilize the severely injured employee and then called in a medevac helicopter to airlift him to Vanderbilt Medical Center, which is a level-one trauma center located in nearby Nashville. Continue reading

One of the most dangerous types of accidents that can occur in a factory is known as a machine guarding accident.  A machine guarding accident involves a machine what was not properly guarding so as to prevent a worker from getting an arm, leg, hand, or other body part trapped in a piece of moving machinery.  An improperly guarded machine can easily result in serious personal injury or even death.

bread-p-atilde-o-2-1561228-300x225According to a recent news article from WCPO, the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has just levied a substantial fine against a baking factory after a worker suffered a partial amputation of his arm while cleaning one of the machines at the factory.  The fine was just under $150,000. Continue reading

Many publicly traded-companies value profits over just about anything else. Unfortunately, this too often means worker safety falls by the wayside. One of the ways companies work to increase their profits each quarter is to cut costs through a process known as efficiencies.

weldingAccording to recent news article from Industry Week, companies and their CEOs and boards of directors should not put profits ahead of worker safety.  While this is certainly something with which everyone should agree, it should be noted that that this article was written by someone in the insurance industry, and that industry is likely more concerned with its own profitability. Continue reading

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