A recent case from the Supreme Court of Washington, deals with the scope of workers’ compensation exclusivity rules regarding an auto accident involving two co-workers that occurred as one was leaving a shift and one was just coming on.  The two employees worked together at a major aerospace engineering corporation.

airportAt around 6:30 a.m., after the defendant finished working his overnight shift at the aircraft factory, he was walking to his car where it was parked in the employee parking lot. He then got into his vehicle and drove across an access road still located on factory-owned property.  This was not a publicly maintained roadway. Continue reading

According to a recent news article from the Boston Globe, a Framingham construction worker was seriously injured in an on-the-job accident. The victim, who was 38-years-old at the time of his serious workplace accident, suffered severe injuries to his pelvis and his legs.

workAuthorities said the victim was a man who was working on the construction site when a 5,000-pound front loader with a backhoe slipped down an icy hill.  The large piece of construction equipment slipped more than 15 feet down the embankment and then crashed through a retaining walling and fell another 10 feet.  When it finally came to a stop, it landed on the worker, and he was seriously injured in this workplace accident. Continue reading

According to a recent news report from the Joliet Patch, an employee who worked in deli department of a big box retailer filed a lawsuit after he was allegedly injured on the job.  His injury occurred when a 50-pound box of frozen chicken reportedly fell on him.

breadAccording to his complaint, he was taking these heavy boxes down from a shelf in the freezer when a handle broke, and the box landed on him.  He further alleged that these boxes were manufactured with handles on each side and one of the handles was defective, which was the reason it broke, resulting in his personal injury. Continue reading

With marijuana now being legal in Massachusetts, some are questioning what will happen if workers are showing up for the job under the influence of marijuana. This is not an easy question to answer, since many consider the drug a medicine just like any other drug, according to a recent news article from Claims Journal.

marijuanaFor obvious reasons, the insurance industry and especially those companies that sell workers’ compensation policies in the Commonwealth are concerned about this issue, since marijuana was legalized in the 2016 election when voters approved that new law. As one might imagine, the workers’ compensation insurance companies do not want to pay benefits to an employee who was injured when he or she was under the influence of marijuana. Continue reading

The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is investigating a fatal accident in which a worker was killed during a snow removal operation, according to the Chicago Tribune.

snowAuthorities have said the victim was a carpenter hired on for the project that involved a major renovation at a storm water reservoir.  This is a major project that is estimated to cost around $640 million by the time it is complete.  The man was 55-years-old at the time of his death when he was hit by what is known as a rough terrain vehicle being used to clear snow so the work on the reservoir could continue. Continue reading

In 2001, the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) first rolled out major updates to Bloodborne Pathogens Standards.  This was created by enabling legislation from the 2000 Needestick Safety and Prevention Act.  This was actually a watershed moment for workers, as it was one of the rare times in recent history that Congress unanimously passed any legislative act, especially one involving worker safety.

stethascopeThe act, as the name implies, was created to cut down on the number of accidental needle sticks among healthcare workers that could, and often would, result in unnecessary exposure to blood and bloodborne pathogens and the spread of disease to these brave health care employees working on the front lines. Continue reading

The greater Boston area has a serious problem with opioid addiction among broad sectors of industry. In some cases, it’s heroin and other illicit street drugs. However, we are also seeing a major problem with an addition to prescription painkillers among injured workers, according to a recent news article from the Lowell Sun.

needleThis statewide problem has gotten to the point where Governor Charlie Baker and his administration have decided to start a two-year pilot program. This pilot program is for workers in Boston and around the Commonwealth who have already settled their workers’ compensation cases. All of the workers who will participate in this program are currently being treated with opioid-based painkillers for their on-the-job injuries. Continue reading

When people go to the circus, they go to see the amazing things all of the performers can do.  This is especially true in the case of Cirque du Soleil, where they don’t have any animal acts in the show.  Many of the things these performers do during the show are dangerous or “death-defying,” as P.T. Barnum use to say.

construction hatHowever, in addition to the many talented performers, there are also many people on the crew that work to get the show up and running. While working on the crew is not typically billed as a daring stunt, like many other jobs, it can be dangerous or even deadly.  According to a news report from CBS News, the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is currently investigating an accident that involved a crew member of a Cirque du Soleil “Luzia” show that resulted in the crew member’s death. Continue reading

Working in construction is one of the more dangerous occupations in the United States.  There are so many different ways one could be injured.  We typically see cases where construction workers are injured in fall accidents, power tool accidents, heavy equipment accidents, and various other types of accidents.

fire-power-1-1507896According to a recent news article from The Patriot Ledger, a worker in Weymouth, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston, was injured when a nail gun slid off the roof and hit him in the head.  While this type of injury is often portrayed in comedies as resulting in pain, but little if any actual injury, in reality, this is a very serious, and potentially deadly, on-the-job accident. In this case, the worker suffered a serious head injury. Continue reading

One of the most devastating types of workplace injuries is one that involves amputation of an arm, hand, leg or foot.  While workplace accidents resulting in amputation happen far less often then they did back in the days of the industrial revolution, they still do occur on a somewhat regular basis, with workers in certain industries at higher risk.

workAccording to a recent news article from Delaware Online, a worker at a mill suffered a very serious on-the-job injury in which he lost his leg. He was working at a factory and stepped in front of a milling machine when the accident occurred.  While there are many different types of milling machines, including ones that make individual parts such a CNC Router, this accident involved a much larger machine. Continue reading

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