The federal government has launched a new web page to assist businesses in protecting workers from any hazards they may face while responding to and recovering from winter storms. The idea is to keep their operations and work places safer while helping to reduce the risks of work accidents in Boston and elsewhere. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) new web page has timely information for workers who are at higher risks of a work accident during severe winter weather conditions.
Our Boston workers compensation attorneys understand that employers have a legal responsibility to provide safe work conditions for all employees. This includes reducing the risks for injuries, eliminating hazards on the work site, properly training employees and providing them with the proper safety equipment. The new web site is just one more way to provide employees with information about recognizing storm-related dangers along with tips to help everyone stay safe while working in these conditions.
Storm-related recovery teams can be in charge of clearing heavy snow from the front of establishments and from roofs. All types of employees can easily be exposed to downed power lines, dangers while traveling on icy and snowy roadways, and troubles attempting to regain power after a severe winter storm.
Dangers that can be associated with employees who work in winter storms:
-Employees can be hit by falling objects. These objects can include utility poles, tree limbs, icicles, etc.
-Employees who are required to drive on the job can be in severe danger for traffic accidents because of slick roads.
-Employees can be exposed to overwhelming amounts of carbon monoxide and risk developing carbon monoxide poisoning.
-With the cold and frigid weather, outside workers run the risks of frostbite, hypothermia and dehydration.
-Employees can sustain injuries from strenuous winter storm-related work activities.
-Employees can easily slip and fall because of slippery walkways.
-Workers can be electrocuted by downed power lines near work sites.
-Storm workers can fall from lifts and ladders while trying to remove snow.
-Roofs can collapse because of the weight of the snow.
To help eliminate injuries caused by the dangers listed above:
-Always act as if power lines are active. Stay clear of them.
-Ensure that all equipment is guarded correctly. Don’t forget to disconnect the power cord from the power source before performing maintenance or cleaning these devices.
-Be careful on roofs and other surfaces that carry a large amount of ice or snow.
-All ladders and lifts should be equipped with the proper fall protection.
-Make sure all employees have bright, reflective clothing in addition to protective body, face and eye wear.
-All work zones should be clearly marked off.
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