
Workers Seriously Injured after Falling into Sewage Treatment Tank

According a recent article from BALTV, a worker in the Baltimore area was seriously injured when he fell into a large tank of wastewater “activated sludge” at the sewage treatment plant at which he was employed.

industrialsmokestackCompany officials say the worker was getting into a Bobcat construction vehicle located on the top of what is known as a grit tank at the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant. When he got into the Bobcat, the bucket on the front of the machine unexpectedly rose up and knocked into the operator. At this point, the operator was knocked off the Bobcat and fell into the grit tank of sludge, causing serious bodily injury.   It has not been said what the full extent of worker’s injuries were, but we do know he was flown by medevac helicopter to a shock trauma center capable of dealing with such a serious on-the-job injury.

There are probably not many things less pleasant at work than being sent into a state of shock after falling into a large vat of human waste.   The reason this tank is known as one that holds activated sludge is because it contains many bacteria cultures designed to break down the human sludge and remove any impurities to the full extent possible before sending it to another tank for further cleaning at the point to where the water is cleaned again and fit for human consumption.

While many are hesitant to admit they are suffering emotionally following a work accident, is it something about which you should definitely speak with your Boston on-the-job injury attorney. It may be essential in proving you fall with the guidelines for being giving a 100 percent disability rating, which would be required in order to get a total disability rating. There are also issues with whether you are assigned a permanent partial disability rating, a permanent total disability rating, a temporary total disability rating, or a temporary partial disability. These ratings determine the amount of benefits you will be awarded and the length of time you will be allowed to miss work and recover. If you have a permanent total disability rating, you are not required to work in any capacity for any amount of hours per week. In these cases, compensation for lost wages will be the most important part of your workers’ compensation award. This is also the area your employer, or more accurately your employer’s workers’ compensation attorneys, will fight over.

It should be noted that even if you employer is on board with your full and complete recovery, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance provider will likely fight you on the claim, because these companies are often far more interested in their bottom line that your well-being and access to the full recovery to which you are entitled. Since each case is different, you should speak with your workers’ compensation lawyer about the facts of your particular situation.

If you are injured on the job in Massachusetts, call Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your workers’ compensation claim: (617) 777-7777.

WBALT T, October 17, 2015, WBALTV, by News Desk

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