
Articles Posted in Boston work injury lawyer


Obtaining Workers’ Compensation for Workplace Violence

A man shot repeatedly while sitting in a vehicle outside the convenience store where he worked. Now, the state high court in Pennsylvania has ruled that he is indeed eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits for those injuries.  Judges with the Commonwealth Court ruled the injuries were indeed work-related, noting…


Ohio Supreme Court to Consider Applicability of Two Disabilities of Same Worker

The Ohio Supreme Court considered recently a workers’ compensation case involving two types of disability claimed by the same worker.  Although this isn’t a Massachusetts case, it’s worth a look from our Boston workers’ compensation lawyers because sister courts often take into account one another’s decisions in considering similar cases, especially those of first…


Worker Killed After Falling into Tank at Water Treatment Plant

According to a recent news article from PIX 11, a worker for an environmental protection contractor was killed when he fell into a huge concrete tank at a wastewater treatment facility in Brooklyn, NY. He was an employee of a contractor that had been hired to perform some major work…


Parr v. Breeden – Supervisory Co-Workers Not Liable Under Workers’ Comp Exclusive Remedy

Supervisors are those promoted by companies and entrusted by businesses to ensure things run smoothly and workers are properly trained and safe. But when that does not happen, can those supervisors be held separately accountable? According to the recent ruling by the Missouri Supreme Court in Parr v. Breeden, the…


Report: Second Worker Injured in Work Basket Collapse

According to a recent news report from Safe to Work, a second accident involving a piece of equipment known as integrated tool carrier, or IT carrier, has occurred within a relatively short period of time.  This incident occurred in March.  There two workers in the basket were working on excavation…


OSHA Investigates New England Scaffolding Accident

According to a recent news feature from the New Haven Register, a construction worker was severely injured while on the job when he was involved in a scaffolding accident.  Witnesses say the 47-year-old worker was working on a scaffold that was more than six stories up the side of a…


Injuries in Meat Industry May Not Be Properly Reported

Harsh working conditions in slaughterhouses and meatpacking plants are not a new phenomenon in the meatpacking plants of Chicago and other cities across the United States. The problem was first brought to public attention when journalist Upton Sinclair published his now famous novel, The Jungle, highlighting the plight of immigrants…


Construction Worker in Easton, Mass Hit by Car while in Manhole

According to recent news feature from 7 News Boston, a construction worker was on the job in Easton, Massachusetts performing work in a manhole when he was struck by a car and severely injured. Authorities say the tragic workplace accident occurred around 10:30 a.m. on a roadway in a local…


New Lawsuit Claims Workers’ Compensation Company Hacked Files

A recently filed lawsuit claims that four of the largest workers’ compensation insurers in California hacked into plaintiff electronic files maintained by their workers’ compensation attorneys.  They claim these four companies hacked into the various systems of a number of years and were specifically looking for attorney client privileged documents.…


Report: Construction Worker Killed by Street Sweeper Accident

According to a recent news report from News 4 Jax, a 69-year-old construction worker was killed while working at a construction site.  In this case, he was working on a massive pavement project when a street sweeper came by and hit him.  He was run completely over by the street…

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