
Massachusetts Workers Compensation Lawyers Blog


Work Accidents in Massachusetts: Target of Extended Enforcement

Employers, listen up! The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently made an announcement saying that it would be extending its temporary enforcement measures for the residential construction industry. The extension will be for another six months. Now, these measures will be extending through September. Included in these enforcement measures…


No Boston Work Accidents in 25 Years: Top Honors for 21 UPS Drivers

Recently, UPS announced that 21 of its drivers from the state of Massachusetts are now among the 1,235 being inducted into the Circle of Honor. This honorary organization recognizes UPS drivers who have had no traffic accidents in Massachusetts and elsewhere during their 25 or more years behind the wheel…


Boston Electricity Work Accidents a Major Risk

Working directly with electricity can be dangerous. Working near any form of electricity is dangerous too. In fact, most workers may not be aware that they are exposed to electrical dangers that can cause injury in Boston and elsewhere. When you think of workers in danger of electricity-related injuries, you…


Boston Work Accidents Involving Teens Jump During Summer

There were roughly 17.5 million young workers in the U.S. in 2010 under the age of 24. These workers account for about 15 percent of the entire country’s workforce, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This group consistently has the highest rate for work-related injuries in…


Company Fined for Failing to Reduce Risks of Work Accidents in New England

Employers have to protect employees from dangers on the job! If not, they’re going to get fined like Monster Contracting LLC did. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the framing contractor is now facing nearly $60,000 in proposed fines for failing to prevent residential construction-related work accidents…


Office Workers Also at Serious Risks for Work-Related Injuries in Massachusetts

We often talk about the dangers of working in construction and with hazardous materials. What we rarely discuss are the risks of work-related injuries in Boston ‘ offices. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), employees who work in an office, at a desk or in a…


Topsfield Roofer Fined for Construction Worker Fall Hazards

Roofers at a Topsfield, Massachusetts work site were exposed to a number of potential fall hazards, and their employer has been fined by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (or OSHA). A news release detailing the violations was released late last month. The roofing company, based in Reading, Massachusetts,…


OSHA Airline Decision a Victory for Safety-Conscious Boston Employees

Every Massachusetts worker has the right to bring forth on-the-job safety concerns, without fear of retaliation by an employer hoping to cut corners. The hope is, they can prevent a Boston work-related accident. That right is especially crucial when the industry is charged with providing a service to the public…

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