
Massachusetts Workers Compensation Lawyers Blog


Workers’ Comp Benefits & Massachusetts Disability Benefits

When a person suffers an injury at work, the employer becomes responsible for providing benefits through workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance covers 100 percent of medical costs and also provides ongoing disability benefits for Massachusetts’ workers who cannot continue to work or who have to change to a lower…


Obesity a Struggle for Low Wage Workers

Recently, the Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health and the University of Massachusetts released a study on lower income workers. The study involved participants in a variety of different industries including the construction industry; the manufacturing industry; the housekeeping/cleaning industry and the health care/human services industry. The results of…


NIOSH Alert on Occupational Respiratory Disease

In November of 2012, the CDC reported that a NIOSH alert had been released. The alert was intended to raise attention about preventing occupational respiratory disease, which can occur as a result of dampness in buildings. Our Boston work injury attorneys encourage every employer to review the NIOSH alert and…


OSHA Head Says More Employers Managing for Safety

On Wednesday January 16, Bloomberg BNA published an article that had some good news for workers. According to the article, some evidence indicates that more employers are placing a premium on worker safety when it comes to managing their workplaces. However, while there is reason to be optimistic, the article…


90,000 Apply For Disability Benefits in December

In December of 2012, Investors Business Daily reports that a record number of workers signed up for federal disability benefits. During this month, almost 90,000 new workers signed up for these benefits, which are provided through the social security administration. This brings the total number of disabled workers collecting benefits…


New England Construction Accidents & Work Zone Traffic Safety Tips

Roads, bridges, tunnels and other public and private property need to be regularly maintained. This job normally falls to construction workers. Construction workers may do a number of different jobs including building construction, remodeling existing structures or working on the streets to improve the transportation system in the U.S. Unfortunately,…


Working Safely in Trenches Reduces Risk of Massachusetts Work Accidents

Trench work is a part of almost every construction project, as Biz Journals reports. Biz Journals also indicates that trench work is among the most dangerous jobs since all trenches eventually collapse. When a trench does collapse, a worker could end up buried alive under huge amounts of dirt and…

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